
Welcome to my slice of the internet.

Hi! I'm Sam.

Welcome to my little corner of the web - and thanks for checking it out!
This for now and to come is a safe space for myself to share humble projects and conversations about my journey into tech.

My own 'unorthodox' story began when I was working as a beauty therapist. It's what I had done straight after highschool but, the passion for it only lasted so long and I yearned for a complete career shift.

*insert partner* For some time, I was really influenced by my partner's career in software development and at the same time of feeling like I was going through a quarter life crises, I had pondered for awhile about getting into IT. After some conversation and self encouragement, I began working away to create a plan. During this time, I didn't know if University was the answer but I thought that through networking at events around Perth first, that I would be able to get some valuable and first hand advice on what to do. That's where I discovered She Codes Australia! I booked myself a ticket for their One Day Workshop and a passion was ignited. That workshop changed the course of my career. I could do this. With some hard work and dedication, my dream wasn't so unattainable.

The push for unconventional pathways into the industry continues and I am such an advocate for unorthodox.

Project 1 | She Codes Workshop

This project was one of the introductory projects with She Codes Australia.
This project allowed me to understand how code works to create the output display that users see on a webpage.

Project 2 | She Codes Doggy Website

This was one of the first projects that I created with She Codes Australia during our first week of learning the HTML and CSS logo.
The idea behind this project was to get the students familiar with the format of HTML and CSS and how they work together to create a webpage.